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Stop watering those silly weeds

When your flowers bloom so smart

You are original as this universe

Not a sly boot or some petty upstart


There’s a world inside you

A sea of wisdom, a very kind heart

The evils of world though very distracting

Are they worthy enough in life to bart?


But many silly beings, so consumed in its sheen

Trade their aces to world’s trivial cards

Some are successful, some report a canard

Never hoax a living that was destined to star


Help humanity in suffering

Break reluctance, holding you chained or jarred

A life spent, helping one single soul

 Will bring more peace, and a worthy regard.

(Samima Shah-Faheem)

Striking Originality (A poem)

In the world of sham personas, try striking originality
Archetype holds respect, not modeled duality.

Paying respect to whom you adore is good 
 monkey see monkey do is  mental lethality.

 Individual differences brand us stimulating 
Ignoring them  for compliance is pure irrationality.

You are harmonious in the given melody
End toeing the line, time to score individuality.
